Social & Emotional Development
We are here to influence your children's development. You will be informed and you will have access to our current information and recommendations.
Keva Tuck, Future Educator
This is our opportunity to encourage your family to be mindful of how to support social, emotional and predevelopment at home.
Prenatal development & care and early childhood experiences can have an effect on adolescent social and emotional development
Influence by Prenatal Development & Care
Adolescence and social & emotional development are influenced by prenatal development & care. A healthy diet and regular exercise advised by a physician is beneficial to the pregnancy and development of the child. A heathy mental environment is also beneficial because it has an impact on the child’s social and emotional development as well. If the mother is consistently in a stressful setting, the child will display the effects in their social and emotional skills.
Influence by Early childhood experiences
Adolescence and social & emotional development can also be influenced by early childhood experiences. “The quality of the relationship between the parents raising the child can have implications for the child’s development and wellbeing” (Kvalevaag, et al., 2015, pg.875, para.2). If there is physical, verbal, and emotional violence in the child’s home and social environment, it will affect the child’s social and emotional skills. They may experience confusion among various communications. A child may be “aggressive”, display sudden emotions of frustration, or have inconsistency in sleep (Kvalevaag, et al., 2015, pg.877, para.2).
Social Milestone/Emotional
Prenatal (pre-birth)- During pregnancy, there are three trimesters. At the third trimester, “the fetus develops” and grows in weight and length (Caffrey, 2022, para. 2). Their brain and “nervous system” have matured. Their fingers and toes are developed. Then, their hearing is developed and they “respond to noise with movement” (Caffrey, 2022, para. 5).
Infancy- At 2 months, a baby recognizes faces and voices. Socially, they understand that specific individuals feed them and make the baby comfortable. Emotionally, they focus on what that are doing and seeing in the moment. The baby will also begin to smile, imitate an expression that they see, or try to form their mouth to say something. They will at least open their mouth and make a sound.
Toddlerhood- At the toddler age, children are aware of themselves and others. Socially and emotionally, they are excited about being around other people their size and they learn to walk around on their own and imitate what others do. They continue to develop a personality, and they test the response of others.
Two Stategies for each stage “Self-regulation refers to the processes by which students intentionally apply, monitor, and evaluate these processes during learning” (Ormrod and Anderman, 2024, p. 312, para.2. For infants and toddlers, developing self-regulation would help equip them with the practice of their behavior and emotional state.

Prenatal (pre-birth)- Parents can visit their future childcare center and observe how the teacher interacts with the students. The teacher can read to the unborn child to make the baby familiar with their voice.
Infancy- In daycare, teachers talk to babies and read books. The teach can point to the an item in the book and say the name of it. They may also sing to them to keep them calm.
Toddlerhood- In the classroom, a teacher can model the emotion of being kind to students and other teachers. Teachers can also help the children interact and encourage the students to play together.
“Self-regulation refers to the processes by which students intentionally apply, monitor, and evaluate these processes during learning” (Ormrod and Anderman, 2024, p. 312, para.2. For infants and toddlers, developing self-regulation would help equip them with the practice of their behavior and emotional state.
Example of pre-birth
Practice your breathing coupled with doing yoga. Also, be intentional in remaining calm and aware of healthy environments that will promote your comfortability.
Example of infants
Demonstrate how to be calm in the presence of infants, and they will follow along. Providing a pacifier and their favorite blanket will also help infants to relax.
Example of toddlers
Toddlers demonstrate self-regulation by following instructions. It is also displayed in fair play as children play together without disagreement, because they have learned how to cope with disappointment.
Teacher can model
Teachers can model and encourage development of these skills by doing a follow up and check in with the expecting mother. Also, invite the mother to attend the classroom setting again or to take another yoga class.
Teacher can model
Teachers can model and encourage development of these skills by anticipating what their needs will be. Develop a routine of food time, play time, nap time, and participate with the children at each event.
Teacher can model
Teachers can model and encourage development of these skills by example. The teacher can explain what is expected of them as the teacher and explain that they are fulfilling their assignment to teach the students. Then, explain to the students what is expected of them while they are in the classroom. After students comply, use a positive reinforcement encouraging them to continue doing a great job.
Strategies for families

The family can read books to the unborn child. They can also play lullaby music and sing along with the mother to relax the baby in the womb. This is also relaxing to the mother.
Many times, the infant is seeking attention. Provide comfort food and attention for the infant. Snuggles and humming a song will also help the infant to self-regulate.
Quickly respond to the needs of toddlers with comforting words. Help them to express how they feel by using words that describe their emotions. Then have the toddler to hug everyone in the home.